Split Decision

Upcoming Shows

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Upcoming Shows
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Southeast Michigan's hottest rock and blues!
Tell the booking agent at your favorite club what they're missing. If we aren't in a club's rotation, we should be!
We would love to play at your private party, wedding, or whatever you celebrate and need live music for! Contact us for rates!
Check us out on www.michiganbands.com! Vote for us... please?

Upcoming Shows:
Sept. 11 - Race Track Inn, Clinton Mi. 6pm
Sept. 25th - AA Bash in Jackson, Mi.
Oct. 16th - The Bone Island Grill, Vandercook Lake Mi. 9pm
Nov. 6th - Pleasant Lake Inn in Manchester, Mi. 9:30pm
Dec. 4th - Pleasant Lake Inn in Manchester, Mi. 9:30pm
Dec. 31st - Pleasant Lake Inn in Manchester, Mi. 9:30 pm